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No New Posts Getting Stared

Simply to sign up for school things

11 11 Punishment
by Spain
May 26, 2011 10:46:39 GMT -5
No New Posts School Registration

This is where your bios are. You cannot start until your bios are finished, no acceptions. There are some RULES to your characters. I suggest you read them first before creating one. You must BE ACCEPTED by your all powerful admin

13 13 山本 竜男(Tatsuo Yamamoto)
by Tatsuo Yamamoto
Jul 21, 2011 22:36:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Perminant Records

Where accepted characters go

Sub-boards: Lovely Ladies, Gallant Gents

6 12 Paige White
by Spain
Jun 24, 2011 13:56:16 GMT -5

Ohayo Gozaimasu Acadamy

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No New Posts Entrance Hall

The entrance hall, other then the ball room is the prettiest place in the whole entire school. It is covered in Shisa, and gargoyles, all sorts of marble statues. The pillars and floors are also a grayish marble. There is a blue carpet going through the front door and up a spiral staircase. There are all sorts of halls this place leads to, and it has a giant chandelier thats seems to be sparklier then the sun itself.

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No New Posts Mess Hall

The Mess Hall is probably the largest room in the school next to the ball room. The Mess hall is located right across from the Entrance hall, but has many other entrances too. There is many many many tables all around this room where people obviously eat at or study at. A large stand is near a stand glass window north of the hall, this is where Matsuda or other teachers make announcements in front of the entire school. The floor in the mess hall happens to be a fine deep ebony wood color, polished to perfection, and the walls are painted white. There are no other windows other then the stained glass window that has the pattern of a strange looking dog which happens to be their mascot Ramen, or rather, they are called The Mutts .

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No New Posts Class Rooms

These are where the classrooms are located, when you register a character, they will be given a Class schedule, and will find the classes they have to go to. Some of the teachers may seem a bit wacky, but strange or not, they are strict, so don't be late. Remember,Middleschool classes are in the same building but the first floor, Highschoolers are second floor. third floor is for combined classes

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No New Posts The gym

True to it's name, there is a built in gym to the school. Not much to seee here, nothing at al interesting. Just a large tannish colored place full of running kids during P.E. Or Work out day, depending on what time you come in.

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No New Posts Dorms - 1 Viewing

The Dorms are at the highest floors, giving everyone a very good view of the island for everyone since everyone of the dorms have at least three windows to look out from. Everyone is assigned a roommate to a dorm, and the dorms each have a unique look to them, depending on what the people who live in them are interested in.

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No New Posts Teachers Quarters

These are the halls where the teachers stay, on floor five just like where the teachers lounge is. Their actual rooms are up here, each room is decorated to each teachers liking.

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No New Posts Headmasters Office

Uh-oh. Don't tell me you've been sent here! This is where your sent to talk to the boss. He's strict when it comes to the rules. His room is a dark gray color everywhere, no other colors besides grays are around in this office. On the bright side there is a large wall window that looks over all of the island seeing as its the tallest tower in the castle. He has a lot of Halloween or Gothic designs in here along with gargoyles and a nice looking throne for himself (Also, a crown and a scepter) . His desk is a huge dark brown if not black wooden desk with swirls and designs all over it. Real jewels are also found in his desk. It's a rather scary looking place.

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No New Posts The Library

The library is pretty big, and it's full of books and decorations. Lots of really nice cushions and chairs for students and teachers a like to sit and read a good book. There seems to be a lot of fiction books and not as many Non-fiction books, but still, a lot of books, so if you need to do a report, you can still find something non-fiction to read. There is lots of bright windows in the library and only one door at. That's right, that means it's easier for someone to catch you if you try to steal a book. At any rate, there is lots of places and decorations to hide in, it's a great place for hide and seek, unless the teachers try to stop you.

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No New Posts The White Room


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No New Posts Police station

The police station is located a few minutes away from the school It's not the biggest building, but it can fit people behind bars if push comes to shove. There are ten police members, some having trained dogs in the group. The police station also is painted in all black for the impact of the scaryness of that place.

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No New Posts Underneath Hikaru's Bed

No, its not really underneath Hikaru's bed. Its only called that because Hikaru is the only one who doesn't know about this place. He has been there since his eight grade year and still hasn't figured it out. Well, Underneath Hikaru's bed is sort of a game room in the basement of the school. There's TVs, playstations, Wii, a pool table,a climbing wall, and a whole bunch of snacks inside. This is where everyone goes (mind Hikaru), during their spare time, during class periods or after 10:00 pm is prohibited.

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The Forrest

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No New Posts Foresty parts

It's all forest, but there are even thicker forest-like parts. The trees are taller, and more thicker. The grass is moist and long, some grass even goes up to six foot tall. There is targets all around the trees, for the achery class, and a small river flowing through this area. It's said that there is a Tiger that prowls these areas. but everyone knows thats bull-crap.

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No New Posts Dirt Road

The Dirt road is a path that leads to and away from the school starting from the beach or to the school. It doesn't really have a beginning or end. Kids follow the road to get to the beach. But, it's main perpose is for horse drawn carrages to brink new students to the school, or when students leave, they are taken to the dock. Its very pretty to take the road, there are a lot of pretty ever green trees, light green grass, and a nice cool breeze.

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No New Posts Haunted Shack

No one ever goes around this part of the lush, evergreen forest. It's deep within the forest, your lucky if your not lost. Deep within it, everything gets eerie and dark, and foggy even. The more one walks, sooner or later they run into a rickity old shack. Standing there. Waiting, and watching you it seems. Not even the bravest of the brave go inside.

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No New Posts Climbing Tree

A GIGANTIC apple tree just a mile or two from the school. It's trunk is very thick and wide, and looks like it would be impossible for it to fall down. The best part of this tree is not the apples that grow, or the tire swing on one of the low branch But that there are so many thick branches that stick out in so many places that its the best place to climb. In fact, you can climb to the top of the tree and not fall. There are many birds and animals living in here, it there is so much room that they dont mind sharing

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Hoshi Beach

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No New Posts Fire pits

The fire pits is basically where people go out, usually during night time to hang out with their friends. Celebrate. Or whatever. There are eight different pits seperated from each other far enough so that everyone has their space. The Fire pits also make an excellent place for a first date. During class time, this pits are restricted. Especially since the water gets closer to the pits. Plus...its ditching.

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No New Posts Lunar Cave

Lunar Cave just so happens to be the most beautiful and romantic place on the beach. It's mouth gapes open with jagged teeth, which looks pretty scary at first. But when you go in, the rock walls sparkle like gems. There's a small pond in it too, and just above the pond is a skylight, which is especially beautiful at night, when the moon's light shines through it. It is a well respected place. No animals live here, which is lucky.

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No New Posts Soar Bird cliffs

Soar Bird Cliffs have a good reason for their names. They are high up, just a bit to the right of Lunar Cave. Though High, the cliffs are easy to climb, just watch out for the jagged or loose rocks. Though they look scary, they are perfectly safe. In fact, many students love to jump off of these cliffs and into the ocean that surrounds them. Though, there is more to be careful of, snakes like to live around here, so be careful

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No New Posts Boating Dock

Boating dock off limits to students, its rickety, old, breaks easy, and isn't at all in shallow waters. Although, people do have to go on here occasionally to leave and enter the island. There's two large dingy's tied to the dock, ready to be used. No body steals the dingy's anymore, not since the new headmaster came to town.

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No New Posts Employees only

This is where the staff goes to talk about you. All your flaws, and your perfections. Why we love you and why we hate you blag blag blah.... We also talk about your siblings and incest if we're really up to it

just kidding

We just go here to talk about boring staff stuff. This equals to Admin 1 Admin 2 and Murderer.

See you really wanna go in here? We have to put up with the murderer

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No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: Spain

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